Friday, October 06, 2006

I'm socialising, R-tard!

I'm on a MMORPG, gaining Xp with my friends using Teamspeak!

Torrent to the latest South Park Episode

Best. Episode. Ever.

It has 11k seeds for some reason.


PRIME Minister John Howard says whether sleep deprivation is torture depends on the nature and degree of it.

His comments follow those of Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, who has said he did not regard sleep deprivation as torture, although it would be seen as a coercive way to obtain evidence from detainees.

Mr Howard told ABC radio: "It depends entirely on the degree … If somebody who is trained to be a terrorist has, as part of that training, a capacity to deal with what you and I might understand to be vigorous interrogation … that inevitably is going to involve on some occasions some sleep deprivation."

Mr Howard said he did not support torture and Australia would never condone it. But he did not necessarily agree that all sleep deprivation was torture.

"It depends upon the severity of it, the regularity of it, the circumstances … that's what makes yes and no answers to things like that so very difficult."


Interesting. To what degree is sleep deprivation a torture then? Don't make a guy sleep for 24 hours? 48?


And who's the one to make such decisions? The ministers? Watchdogs? Us?

Torture, in any manner, is still torture.

Although, when you talk about getting answers.....

Interesting, isn't it? Especially when there are people who are innocent.

Which also brings the question, who do you judge who is innocent then? The black sheep from the white. LoL.

No wonder 80% of the australians have said that the US war with terrorism did nothing to reduce terrorism. Moreover, it destroyed ties with the Muslim world.


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